Community Wellness Challenge
Join the Sault Community Wellness Challenge for two chances to win $1000.00 and be crowned Sault Wellness Ambassador!!
Registration is now open. Contact Unified Wellness to register and start your onboarding process. 705-574-4325
This wellness initiative is unique and based on a 555 design. At the end of the challenge, you will not just feel like a new person, you will be a new person. The changes you create within yourself are based on 5 categories.
1) Physical Health
2) Mental Wellness
3) Food and Nutrition
4) Exercise and Movement
5) Body Composition
During this five month challenge you will have an opportunity to have three Styku, clinical grade body scans to not only track your progress but to provide you with exactly what you have to do to achieve your goals.
You will also get to be a part of a Facebook group where you will get:
1) The help to keep you motivated.
2) Mindset strategies to overcome the temptation to quit and to help you achieve your goals.
3) Some healthy meal options.
4) Exercise and movement tips.
5) You will be in the loop and know the different activities that are going on in the community to make this transition fun and easy.
Most of all you get to motivate one another, build relationships with like-minded people and transition into the best version of yourself. It's important to have these bonds. You are who you share your time with.
555 represents transition, freedom and adventure. To change your life on every level you need to be a part of this challenge!
To sign up for this challenge and book your first styku clinical assessment call Unified Wellness at 705-574-4325.
You must have your first styku assessment completed by February 14, 2024.
Challenge cost:$100.00+tax.
The cost includes three styku assessments which are valued at $180.00 just themselves
To learn more and sign up, contact Unified Wellness at or for more information
Community Partners